
Monday 4 November 2013

In Memory Of Hasan - Art Historian Extraordinaire and Fantastic Friend.

It is with a heavy heart that I write today's post. I came online this morning only to find out that my dear friend Hasan Niyazi, author of the fantastic Renaissance and Art History blog "Three Pipe Problem" has sadly passed away. This was a huge shock, as I was only talking with him on twitter last week about my plans for my week off and he was looking forward to seeing photographs of the places I had planned to visit.

Hasan's blog was one of the first I found when I started LBM, and we connected through our love of Renaissance history and our "mythbusting" over The Borgias. He was a delight to speak to, and his research spoke volumes of his passion and love for the Renaissance and all things art history. Truth be told, Hasan was, and still is, a complete inspiration to me and I shall continue to use his blog and his work not only for my own research but to keep his memory alive. It was clear from the moment that I first started talking to Hasan that his passion lay in the Renaissance, and I remember him commenting on my photo of me next to Raphael's tomb. We often discussed Italian art, and I was always in awe over his love and passion for Raphael. His story of how his tour guide in Rome let him in the Pantheon on his own to save the rest of the group his flailing always made me crack up. 

Hasan, my dear friend. You will be sorely missed not only by me but by your friends and readers. My heart goes out to your family. I wish we had been able to speak more, although when we did it was always a pleasure. Thank you for inspiring me to keep this blog going, thank you for being such a good friend. I will miss you and will always remember you.

I may never have had the chance to meet Hasan, and despite the fact that we lived half a world apart I considered him (and still do) an amazing friend, a colleague and an inspiration.

May you rest in peace, my friend. Next time I'm in Italy? The trip shall be dedicated to you.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear this. I know how you feel - I had a friend who also was a delight and lived a half a world away, who passed away earlier this year. You can only take comfort in your best memories of him.


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