
Monday 7 November 2011

Book Give-away!

Apologies for my lack of posts recently everyone, I've been slightly busy with some of my real life stuff - I'm sure you know the deal: work, visits, life. I also made the decision to take part in National Novel Writing Month (again!) which I may be regretting a little. Writing 50,000 words in a month is a bit of a mountain to climb. I have got some proper posts coming, I just need to sit down and actually write them!

I just wanted to let you all know that this blog now has a facebook page! Please do come and like us here, and when we get to 100 likes I will be doing a book giveaway! So please do come over, hit the like button and you may find yourself the lucky owner of The Borgias & Their Enemies by Christopher Hibbert. This is a really fantastic book, and I love the way Hibbert writes about this fantastic family!

So remember, as soon as we get that 100th "like" over on our facebook page, I'll be randomly picking someone to receive this wonderful book! So please do come over and say hello, and spread the word!


  1. You really do punish yourself with activity. NaNo is tough without the other responsibilities. (-;

    Yeah for the giveaway opportunity and hope you reach your century mark on FB. Already a follower, but I'll share the word about.

  2. Good luck, here you are one new follower. Best regards.

  3. Sophia: I know right! Working full time and doing Nano? I must be mad ;) Thank you so much too! I'm excited to be edging every closer to it so any publicity would be fantastic.

    @Codex thank you so much :D I've followed your blog and am reading with interest (though I'm having to use Chrome to translate for me, it's been some years since I read Spanish hehe)

  4. Just wished there were more hours in a day as there are so many tempting books to read (my to-read-pile is getting higher & higher by the day ...)
    Addicted to historical books and greatly appreciate blogs like yours, which are very inspirational.
    Love the idea of the give-away !!
    Am a follower of your FB page and sure you'll soon reach that mile-stone :)
    Warm regards,


  5. Many thanks on the giveaway- and have fun with NaNo!



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