
Wednesday 14 September 2011

Happy Birthday Cesare Borgia!

On this day in history, 14th September 1475 (there are other arguments it was the year after, but so far everything I've read has convinced me today is the day), Cesare Borgia was born to Vanozza De'Cattanei and Rodriguo Borgia in the city of Rome. He was the illegitimate son of Rodrigo Borgia, a man sworn to holy orders within the Roman Catholic faith but his father always showed the utmost love for all of his children by Vanozza, going so far as to legitimise them all when he became Pope Alexander VI. Cesare originally went into a career in the church, but after the death of his younger brother Juan he renounced his early orders and became a soldier specifically general of the Papal Armies and Gonfaloniere.

Today marks the 536th year of Cesare's birth! Happy birthday Cesare!

In celebration, have a picture of the Borgia children as shown in the tv show "The Borgias" - I know I know, not the most accurate of shows although it is a lot better than a lot of historical dramas out there!!!

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